Overlooked Secrets to Great Performance


A new article on CEO.com confirmed a lot of what we already “knew” – – common sense ideas about taking care of oneself to ensure the maximum output. But whether we actually do all the things on everyone’s “should” list is another story.

As the author, Tony Schwartz of The Energy Project, points out: “…human beings require four types of fuel to perform at their best: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Each of these influences one another, and none is sufficient by itself.”

“I subscribe to these rules wholeheartedly,” says Norris Lozano, CEO of BusinessUS, a non-bank lender headquartered in Woodland Hills, California. “As business has increased, I’ve ramped up my morning workouts to 90 minutes, modified my diet and increased my sleep. It’s the best way to compete.”

Watching this TED Talk by Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel one sees how our fundamental biology dictates that we care for our bodies in order to survive – and thrive – in a competitive world. In our case, a competitive business world.