Excellent analysis of the bumpy road to success:

3024398-poster-p-1-four-lessons-in-innovation-from-the-invention-of-the-laserFast Company has posted an excellent summary of the development of the laser – a “a story of failure, serendipitous discovery, collaboration, inventiveness, perseverance, as well as intrigue and politics. In short, he provides insights in to what it takes to succeed in today’s world.”

Gotta love researchlike this: “It is said that “success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan” and that is certainly true with most major scientific discoveries and technological inventions. The laser was no exception. It turns out the idea of the laser was quite well known decades before its invention. In fact, the underlying “stimulated emission” physics had been worked out by Einstein in 1917.”

Here are the bullets:

  1. Conquer and Reframe Failure
  2. Inspiration is all around you
  3. Perserverence is crucial
  4. Pursue your great ideas.

It’s an important article – you should give it a read


~ Norris Lozano, CEO of BusinessUS, a national non-bank lender providing loans to American small business.



SMBs have the opportunity to totally OWN enterprises in 2014.”

In an article titled, “Why 2014 Will Be the Year of the Small Business“, Seamus Egan of the Fox Small Business Center predicts that 2014 will be the Year of the Small Business.

Thank you, Seamus, we couldn’t agree more.

According to Egan, the great equalizer is technology. Small businesses can leverage technology to create entry points to their business which are as large and open to the public as older, well-capitalized companies with a large brick-and-mortar footprint.

“What Egan says here, and I will take it a step further, is that online tools will level the playing field in multiple vertical markets in 2014″, says Norris Lozano, CEO of BusinessUS, a non-bank lender bringing capital to small businesses who cannot get credit elsewhere. “We’ve seen retail, the press, healthcare, logistics, banking, real estate, and others sectors transformed in a matter of a few years – – Technology will continue to bring victory to first movers with thoughtful applications.”

Furthermore, Egan reasons, the shift to mobile has created an additional advantage to the up-and-comers.